- "*"
- "+"
- %
- &
- &mut
- &self
- &str
- (
- ()
- )
- *
- +
- ++
- +=
- -
- --
- --release
- --test-threads
- /
- /* */
- //
- 500
- ::<>()
- :p
- ?
- ?:
- _
- about
- addr_of
- alias
- all
- ancestor
- ancestors
- and_modify
- append
- approx_eq
- Arc
- architecture
- arg
- ArgPredicate
- args
- arms
- as
- as_i64
- as_millis
- as_object
- as_ptr
- as_secs
- as_str
- assert_eq
- assign
- async
- async_trait
- attr
- basename
- bind
- bind_iter
- bitor
- blocking
- Box
- break
- BufRead
- BufReader
- build
- button
- canonicalize
- capacity
- capitalize
- capture
- captures
- Captures
- captures_iter
- cargo
- carrying_add
- case
- catch
- catchers
- cd
- CentralPanel
- channel
- chars
- chdir
- checked_add
- checked_pow
- chrono
- CI
- clap_complete
- clicked
- clone
- Clone
- cloned
- cmp
- collect
- commafy
- command
- Command
- concat
- config.toml
- const
- consts
- contains
- contains_key
- content
- Context
- context
- copied
- count
- coverage
- create
- create_dir
- create_dir_all
- csv
- current
- current_dir
- current_exe
- cwd
- Date
- DateTime
- Datetime
- Db
- dbg
- dead_code
- Debug
- debug
- Default
- default
- default_value
- default_value_if
- default_value_t
- DefaultTerminal
- deny_unknown_fields
- dependencies
- derivable_impls
- derive
- description
- Deserialize
- difference
- dirname
- Display
- downcase
- Drop
- drop
- Duration
- dyn
- elapsed
- else
- else if
- elseif
- elsif
- endcase
- endfor
- endif
- ends_with
- entry
- enum
- enumerate
- env
- epoch
- eprint
- eprintln
- Eq
- eq
- Equal
- Equals
- Err
- Error
- error
- Event
- execute
- exists
- exit
- ExitStatus
- expect
- expect_identifier
- expect_literal
- expect_next
- expect_nothing
- expr
- extend
- extension
- f32
- f64
- false
- File
- file_name
- FileServer
- filter
- filter_map
- find
- first
- flatten
- fn
- for
- Form
- format
- Formatter
- from
- From
- from_calendar_date
- from_iter
- from_reader
- from_str
- from_string
- from_utf8
- FromForm
- FromRequest
- get
- get_autocommit
- get_mut
- GitHub
- Greater
- Handlebars
- Hash
- HashMap
- Create empty HashMap, insert key-value pairs
- Create immutable hash with data
- Mapping structs based on more than one key
- Create hash from vector of tuple pairs
- Merge two HashMaps adding the values
- Merge two HashMaps adding the values implemented as a function
- Merge two HashMaps adding the values in a function
- Read CSV file into hashes
- Liquid HashMap
- Serialize and deserialize HashMap to JSON in Rust
- Macro to create a HashMap to be a counter
- Add method to HashMap that sums the values
- HashSet
- heading
- Html
- i32
- i64
- i8
- if
- if else
- impl
- in
- include
- include_str
- index
- inf
- info
- inner_html
- insert
- Instant
- integer_sqrt
- into
- into_iter
- into_os_string
- into_string
- is_alphabetic
- is_alphanumeric
- is_finished
- is_none
- is_some
- IsPresent
- isqrt
- Item
- iter
- Rust array iterate indices and elements with enumerate
- Convert vector of chars to String
- Join vector of integers
- Maximum value of a vector
- filter numbers
- filter string
- Iterate over both index and value of a vector (enumerate)
- Iterate over key-value pairs in a Hash
- Count digits using functions
- Threads polling the substhreads
- Alternatively, we could create an iterator using the iter method.
- Iterator: all the elements
- iter_into
- iter_mut
- Iterator
- join
- json
- kernel_version
- KeyCode
- KeyEventKind
- KeyModifiers
- keys
- kv-mem
- kv-rocksdb
- label
- last
- last_insert_rowid
- len
- Rust array of numbers, length of array
- Length of string
- Capacity of string
- Strings and memory allocation
- Fixed vector of numbers
- Remove the last element using pop, reduce capacity
- Stack and the capacity of a vector
- Accessing the last element of a vector
- Vector length and capacity
- Queue
- Create empty HashMap, insert key-value pairs
- Show size of file
- du - disk usage
- Liquid: length of string, size of vector
- length
- Less
- let
- lib
- limit
- lines
- Lines
- literal
- lock
- log
- log4rs
- long
- loop
- macro_rules
- main
- map
- match
- max
- max_by
- Mem
- memory
- metadata
- min
- min_by
- minus
- mkdir
- mod
- move
- mpsc
- mut
- Number in a mutable variable
- Literal string in a mutable variable can be replaced
- Array of strings - access element by index
- Make the Rust array mutable
- Change tuple (mutable)
- Create tuple with types, but without values
- Change attributes of a mutable struct
- Struct method to modify fields
- Mutable vector of numbers, append (push) values
- Mutable empty vector for numbers (push)
- Create empty HashMap, insert key-value pairs
- Make function argument mutable inside the function
- Literal string in mutable variable
- Mutex
- naive_utc
- NaN
- NativeOptions
- new
- next
- nocapture
- None
- not
- now
- nth
- num_args
- object
- offset
- Ok
- open
- Option
- or_insert
- Ord
- Ordering
- os_info
- os_type
- os_version
- OsStr
- Outcome
- Outcome::Error
- Outcome::Forward
- Outcome::Success
- overflowing_add
- panic
- par_iter
- Paragraph
- parent
- parenthesis
- parse
- parse_document
- parse_file
- parse_from_str
- parse_str
- partial_cmp
- PartialEq
- PartialOrd
- partials
- Path
- path
- PathBuf
- PI
- plus
- poll
- pop
- pop_front
- pow
- prepare
- println
- proc-macro
- pub
- push
- Create empty string and grow it using push and push_str
- Append to string with push_str
- Mutable vector of numbers, append (push) values
- Mutable empty vector for numbers (push)
- Mutable empty vector with type definition
- Stack and the capacity of a vector
- Sort vector of hashes
- Hash of vectors in Rust
- Add items to a hash of vectors using a function
- push_back
- push_str
- pwd
- query
- rand
- random
- range
- raw
- RawHtml
- rayon
- Read
- read_dir
- read_line
- read_to_string
- ReadDir
- Reader
- ReaderBuilder
- RecordId
- recv
- Redirect
- RefCell
- Regex
- register_filter
- register_template_string
- relative
- remove
- render
- render_template
- render_widget
- repalce_all
- replace
- replace_range
- replacen
- Request
- required
- reqwest
- resize
- Restult
- Result
- return
- rev
- reversed
- RocksDB
- Root
- round
- run_simple_native
- saturating_add
- saturating_pow
- SeeOther
- Selector
- self
- Self
- send
- serde
- serde_json
- serde_yaml
- serde_yml
- Serialize
- set
- set_current_dir
- Shell
- short
- shrink_to_fit
- signin
- simple_logger
- size
- skip
- sleep
- Some
- sort
- sort_by
- spawn
- split
- split_whitespace
- sprintf
- sqrt
- starts_with
- status
- Status
- std
- std::cmp::Ordering
- std::env
- std::env::var
- std::env::vars
- std::fmt::Debug
- std::fmt::Display
- std::io
- std::io::Write
- std::process::exit
- std::ptr::addr_of
- std::time::Duration
- std::time::Instant::now
- stdin
- strftime
- strict_add
- String
- String::new
- StringRecord
- struct
- Create simple struct
- Struct composition: Circle
- Compare structs for partial equality - PartialEq
- Update values in vector of structs using map
- Mapping structs based on more than one key
- Structs as keys of a HashMap
- Struct using enum
- Read CSV file as structs
- Read YAML file
- Struct and type alias - Polygon
- success
- SurrealDB
- surrealdb::Result
- syn
- systinfo
- take
- target
- tarpaulin
- temp_dir
- tempdir
- Template
- Tera
- test
- Thing
- thousands
- thread
- thread_local
- threadpool
- time
- to_lowercase
- to_owned
- to_string
- to_uppercase
- to_value
- Approximately compare floating point numbers
- Complex numbers
- Two references to the same vector
- Filter vector of structs (cloning)
- Convert vector of structs to vector of references
- Filter vector of structs without copy
- Accessing the last element of a vector
- Insert element in vector
- Vector with optional values - None or out of range?
- Vector with optional values
- Vector length and capacity
- References to numbers
- Exercise: concatenate file content
- Pass vector to function
- Create a crate
- Testing crates
- Return value from thread
- Counter with message passing
- Exercise: run several functions on the same text
- Solution: run several functions on the same text
- Deprecated: A threaded version of the map function
- Tasks with different processing time
- map with threads
- tokio
- Clap: default value only if the flag was provides
- Read lists of JSON structures JSON-lines
- Read YAML file
- Iter strings
- Non-circular iterators
- Solution: Implement function to repeate a string
- Types of macros
- Greetings
- unsafe powers
- Unsafe - core dump
- Rocket - Calculator with GET (passing multiple parameters) using enum
- Rocket - Two applications in separate files
- Rocket - Redirect to another page
- Rocket Guards - experiment
- Rocket return user-id
- Rocket People and groups
- Rocket Userid in path
- SurrealDB CREATE SELECT in different ways
- SurrealDB experiments
- SurrealDB - toggle
- SurrealDB in Docker using the CLI
- SurrealDB - references and SELECT
- SurrealDB Demo
- SurrealDB columns with schema
- Counter with Sea-ORM
- Ratatui - confirmation popup to verify intent to exit
- Ratatui - widgets
- Ordered floats
- Add method to HashMap that sums the values
- Passing string to function
- map with threads with Mutex
- Reference to a number
- todo
- TokenStream
- tokio
- trace
- trace_macros
- trim
- trim_end
- trim_end_matches
- trim_start
- true
- tuple
- type
- type_name
- type_name_of_val
- u8
- underscore
- unimplemented
- union
- unit
- unsert
- unwrap
- unwrap_or
- upcase
- update
- uri
- url
- use_db
- use_ns
- usize
- utc
- Value
- value_name
- value_parser
- ValueEnum
- Vec
- vec
- VecDeque
- version
- warn
- watch
- when
- where
- while
- with_capacity
- with_ymd_and_hms
- Write
- writeln
- Ws