SurrealDB in Docker using the CLI
- TODO: types of data?
- TODO: schema?
- TODO: index
- We would like to try SurrealDB, but we rather use Docker instead of installing SurrealDB on our computer.
- At first we'll use the SurrealDB command line with an in-memory (not persistent) database.
We could use the latest tag, but to make sure total reproducability we prefer to pick the latest tag in the 2.* series.
$ docker run -it --rm --user root surrealdb/surrealdb:v2.0.4 sql --endpoint memory --ns ns --db db --pretty
- Using ns as our namespace and db as our database so they won't take much real estate in the prompt. Feel free to use anything else.
- Create the first entry in the new planet table with an automatically generated ID.
ns/db> CREATE planet SET name = 'Earth'; -- Query 1 (execution time: 906.201µs) [ { id: planet:l0tpjh7uykux7sr5johy, name: 'Earth' } ]
- Create another entry and set the ID manually.
ns/db> CREATE planet:4 SET name = 'Mars'; -- Query 1 (execution time: 315.322µs) [ { id: planet:4, name: 'Mars' } ]
ns/db> CREATE planet SET name = 'Mercury', distance = 0.7; -- Query 1 (execution time: 544.853µs) [ { distance: 0.7f, id: planet:hxkrucoezhwmtayok509, name: 'Mercury' } ] ns/db> select * from planet; -- Query 1 (execution time: 176.03µs) [ { id: planet:4, name: 'Mars' }, { id: planet:6xg3xbsnzbkyolssmtb6, name: 'Earth' }, { distance: 0.7f, id: planet:hxkrucoezhwmtayok509, name: 'Mercury' } ]
ns/db> INFO for db; -- Query 1 (execution time: 183.976µs) { accesses: {}, analyzers: {}, configs: {}, functions: {}, models: {}, params: {}, tables: { person: 'DEFINE TABLE person TYPE ANY SCHEMALESS PERMISSIONS NONE', planet: 'DEFINE TABLE planet TYPE ANY SCHEMALESS PERMISSIONS NONE' }, users: {} }
- Select all the items from more than one table
ns/db> SELECT * from person, planet -- Query 1 (execution time: 254.849µs) [ { home: planet:4, id: person:ea6qfpbi8mu9prnn8nfx, name: 'Elon Musk' }, { home: planet:6xg3xbsnzbkyolssmtb6, id: person:f2c3w5699hx64q1guta6, name: 'Gabor' }, { id: planet:4, name: 'Mars' }, { id: planet:6xg3xbsnzbkyolssmtb6, name: 'Earth' }, { distance: 0.7f, id: planet:hxkrucoezhwmtayok509, name: 'Mercury' } ]