Welcome to the Rust Maven web site about, well, the Rust programming language!
The first article, published on Aug 27, 2023, is about printing Hello World. You can find all the other articles in the archive or you can look at the tags. The site also includes the slides of my Rust training courses.
I hope you will enjoy the content and encourage me to improve the site and write more articles.
You might think that this site has some relation to the Java Maven, but I'll have to disappoint you. The word maven is just an (almost) ordinary word in English. It actually came from the Hebrew word מבין meaning "understands" via Yiddish to American English and it basically means "someone who understands things and likes to explain them".
Or at least that's how I use it.
There are a number of series of articles on the site in the following topics:
CLI - Command Line Interface
- Clap Command Line Argument Parser for Rust.
JSON - Serializing and deserializing JSON in Rust.
YAML - Dealing with YAML files in Rust.
TOML - Dealing with TOML files in Rust.
Image - Creating and changing images in Rust.
Testing - Various forms of functional and non-functional tests in Rust.
Linting with Clippy
reqwest HTTP client for Rust.
Open Source Applications written in Rust it is primarily just a collection of links.
Rust language topics
The most recent articles
crum: Complex Numbers and Complex Matrices in Rust with Frans Slabber
Ratatui - Terminal User Interfaces in Rust with Orhun Parmaksız
Both the source of the content and the source of the code generating the site can be accessed. So if you have any requests for additional content or features for the web site you will know where to submit those requests.