

SurrealDB is feature-rich database written in Rust.

I've started to explore it and this page is going to be used as a starting point and a collection of the articles I publish on how to use SurrealDB in applications written in Rust.

You might also want to consult the Awesome SurrealDB a curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

Cheat-sheet for SurrealQL

Related Pages

SurrealDB in-memory with SQL demo in Rust
SurrealDB in-memory with SQL demo in Rust
Setting up embedded SurrealDB with RocksDB backend in Rust
Setting up an in-memory SurrealDB database in Rust
Rust Maven
Multi-counter with embedded SurrealDB database
Multi-counter with embedded SurrealDB database
Getting started with SurrealDB using Docker and a Rust client


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Rust Maven web site maintains several Open source projects in Rust and while he still feels he has tons of new things to learn about Rust he already offers training courses in Rust and still teaches Python, Perl, git, GitHub, GitLab, CI, and testing.

Gabor Szabo