Testing crates
[package] name = "test-crate" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies]
//use std::process::Command; use std::env; fn main() { let folder = get_url(); println!("{}", folder); // get a repo url on the command line // // create a temporary directory // clone the repo there // run the tests in the docker // capture the output //let result = Command::new("docker" // .arg("run --rm --workdir /opt -v$(pwd):/opt -it --user tester rust-test cargo test") // .output() // .expect("failed to execute process"); //println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&result.stdout).unwrap()); //println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&result.stderr).unwrap()); //println!("{}", result.status); } fn get_url() -> String { let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 2 { std::process::exit(1); } args[1].clone() }