Vectors in Rust

  1. Fixed vector of numbers
  2. Iterate over elements of vector using for-loop
  3. Mutable vector of numbers, append (push) values
  4. Mutable empty vector for numbers (push)
  5. Mutable empty vector for strings
  6. Mutable empty vector with type definition
  7. Mutable vector of strings
  8. Remove the last element using pop, reduce capacity
  9. Stack and the capacity of a vector
  10. Extend vectors of numbers (combining two vectors)
  11. Extend vector of Strings (combining two vectors)
  12. Append vector of Strings (moving over elements)
  13. Split string into iterator
  14. Split string into vector
  15. Sort vector of numbers
  16. Sort vector of strings using sorting condition
  17. Exercise: Median
  18. Exercise: ROT13
  19. Solution: Median
  20. Solution: ROT13
  21. Convert vector of chars to String
  22. Vector of tuples
  23. Vector of structs
  24. Vector of structs - change value
  25. Join elements of vector into a string
  26. Join vector of integers
  27. Maximum value of a vector
  28. Longest or shortest string in a vector
  29. Change vector of numbers using map
  30. Update values in vector of structs using map
  31. map is lazy
  32. map is lazy that can cause problems
  33. filter numbers
  34. filter numbers iter into
  35. filter numbers by named function
  36. filter string
  37. Two references to the same vector
  38. Filter vector of structs (cloning)
  39. Convert vector of structs to vector of references
  40. Filter vector of structs without copy
  41. Combine filter and map into filter_map
  42. Accessing the last element of a vector
  43. Insert element in vector
  44. Vector with optional values - None or out of range?
  45. Vector with optional values
  46. Vector length and capacity
  47. References to numbers
  48. Queue
  49. Iterate over both index and value of a vector (enumerate)
  50. Create vector of strings from array of str using from_iter
  51. Memory allocation of vector of numbers
  52. Memory allocation of vector of strings
  53. Exercise: Count words using two vectors
  54. Solution: Count words using two vectors