Solution: STDIN calculator
use std::io; use std::io::Write; fn main() { let mut var_a = String::new(); let mut op = String::new(); let mut var_b = String::new(); print!("a: "); io::stdout().flush().expect("Oups"); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut var_a) .expect("Failed to get input"); let var_a: f64 = var_a.trim().parse().expect("Could not convert to f64"); print!("op: "); io::stdout().flush().expect("Oups"); io::stdin().read_line(&mut op).expect("Failed to get input"); op = op.trim().to_owned(); print!("b: "); io::stdout().flush().expect("Oups"); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut var_b) .expect("Failed to get input"); let var_b: f64 = var_b.trim().parse().expect("Could not convert to f64"); let res: f64; if op == "+" { res = var_a + var_b; } else if op == "-" { res = var_a - var_b; } else if op == "*" { res = var_a * var_b; } else if op == "/" { res = var_a / var_b; } else { eprintln!("Unrecognized operator '{op}'"); std::process::exit(1); } println!("{var_a} {op} {var_b} = {res}"); }