Embed double quotes in string
- String in Rust are inside double quotes.
- It is easy to inlcude single quote in a string as it is not special.
- In order to include a double quote we need to add the escape character, the back-slash, in-front of it.
- Alternatively we can start the string using r#" and then we can end it with "#. This allows us to freely include double-quote in the string.
fn main() { let name = String::from("Foo"); println!("Hello {name}, how are you?"); println!("Hello '{name}', how are you?"); println!("Hello \"{name}\", how are you?"); println!(r#"Hello "{name}", how are you?"#); }
Hello Foo, how are you? Hello 'Foo', how are you? Hello "Foo", how are you? Hello "Foo", how are you?