Check slides
use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::exit; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::mpsc; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use clap::Parser; use threadpool::ThreadPool; // use regex::Regex; // from all the md files extract the list of included files // from the examples/ directory list all the files // make sure each file is included and is only included once // Run every rs file, if there is an out file compare the results. // const ROOT: &str = "../../.."; const ACTIONS: [&str; 6] = ["update", "fmt", "fmt_check", "clippy", "test", "run"]; #[derive(Parser)] struct Cli { #[arg(long, help = "Print debug information")] verbose: bool, #[arg(long, help = "Cleanup the target directory")] cleanup: bool, #[arg(long, help = "Check if all the examples are used in the md files")] use_examples: bool, #[arg(long)] update: bool, #[arg(long)] fmt: bool, #[arg(long)] fmt_check: bool, #[arg(long)] clippy: bool, #[arg(long)] test: bool, #[arg(long)] run: bool, #[arg(long, help = "Run all the checks on the selected examples")] check: bool, #[arg(help = "List of examples to run. e.g examples/other/check-slides/")] examples: Vec<String>, } fn get_actions(args: &Cli) -> Vec<&str> { let mut actions: Vec<&str> = vec![]; if args.update { actions.push("update"); } if args.fmt { actions.push("fmt") } if args.check || args.fmt_check { actions.push("fmt_check") } if args.check || args.clippy { actions.push("clippy") } if args.check || args.test { actions.push("test") } if args.check || { actions.push("run") } actions } fn main() { let start: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now(); let args = Cli::parse(); let log_level = if args.verbose { log::Level::Info } else { log::Level::Warn }; simple_logger::init_with_level(log_level).unwrap(); log::info!("verbose: {}", args.verbose); std::env::set_current_dir(ROOT).unwrap(); let examples = if args.examples.is_empty() { get_crates(Path::new("examples")) } else { args.examples.iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect() }; log::info!("Number of examples: {}", examples.len()); let unused_examples = check_use_of_example_files(args.use_examples); let mut success: HashMap<String, i32> = HashMap::new(); let mut failures: HashMap<String, Vec<PathBuf>> = HashMap::new(); let actions = get_actions(&args); cargo_on_all( &mut success, &mut failures, &examples, actions.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(), args.cleanup, ); let mut failures_total = 0; for action in ACTIONS { if success.contains_key(action) && failures.contains_key(action) { log::info!( "{action} success: {}, failure: {}", success[action], failures[action].len() ); failures_total += failures[action].len(); } } println!("------- Report -------"); let end: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now(); println!("Elapsed: {}", end.timestamp() - start.timestamp()); if !unused_examples.is_empty() { println!("There are {} unused examples", unused_examples.len()); for example in &unused_examples { println!(" {example:?}",); } } for action in ACTIONS { if failures.contains_key(action) { report_errors(action, &failures[action]); } } if !unused_examples.is_empty() || failures_total > 0 { exit(1); } } fn report_errors(name: &str, failures: &[PathBuf]) { if !failures.is_empty() { println!("There are {} examples with {name} errors.", failures.len()); for failure in failures { println!(" {failure:?}",); } } } fn check_use_of_example_files(use_examples: bool) -> Vec<String> { let mut unused_examples = vec![]; if !use_examples { return unused_examples; } log::info!("check_use_of_example_files"); let md_files = get_md_files(); let imported_files = get_imported_files(md_files); let examples = get_all_the_examples(); for filename in examples { if filename.ends_with("swp") { continue; } if filename.ends_with("counter.db") { continue; } if !imported_files.contains(&filename) { if filename.starts_with("examples/rocket/people-and-groups/templates/") { continue; } if filename.starts_with("examples/surrealdb/embedded-rocksdb/tempdb/") { continue; } if filename.starts_with("examples/surrealdb/cli-multi-counter/db/") { continue; } let files = [ "examples/threads/count-characters/aadef.txt", "examples/threads/count-characters/abc.txt", "examples/rocket/static-files/static/favicon.ico", "examples/files/count-digits/digits.txt", "examples/files/read-whole-file/data.txt", "examples/ownership/concatenate-content-of-files/dog.txt", "examples/ownership/concatenate-content-of-files/cat.txt", "examples/ownership/read-file-and-trim-newline/cat.txt", "examples/other/check-slides/skips.csv", ] .into_iter() .map(|name| name.to_owned()) .collect::<Vec<String>>(); if files.contains(&filename) { continue; } log::error!("Unused file: `{filename}`"); unused_examples.push(filename); } } unused_examples } fn cargo_on_all( success: &mut HashMap<String, i32>, failures: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<PathBuf>>, crates: &[PathBuf], actions: Vec<String>, cleanup: bool, ) { log::info!("cargo_on_all {actions:?} START"); let start: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now(); let number_of_crates = crates.len(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); let max_threads = 2; let pool = ThreadPool::new(max_threads); for (ix, crate_folder) in crates.iter().cloned().enumerate() { log::info!("crate: {}/{number_of_crates}, {crate_folder:?}", ix + 1); let mytx = tx.clone(); let actions = actions.clone(); pool.execute(move || { let res = cargo_actions_on_single(&crate_folder, &actions, cleanup, ix + 1, number_of_crates); log::debug!("sending res {res:?}"); mytx.send((res, crate_folder)).unwrap(); }); } drop(tx); // close this channel to allow the last thread to finish the receiving loop for received in rx { for action in &actions { if received.0[action] { log::debug!("success {action}"); *success.entry(action.clone()).or_insert(0) += 1; } else { log::debug!("received failures {:?}", received.1.clone()); failures .entry(action.clone()) .or_default() .push(received.1.clone()); log::debug!("all failures {:?}", failures); } } } let end: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now(); log::info!( "cargo_on_all {actions:?} DONE Elapsed: {}", end.timestamp() - start.timestamp() ); } fn cargo_actions_on_single( crate_folder: &PathBuf, actions: &[String], cleanup: bool, ix: usize, total: usize, ) -> HashMap<String, bool> { log::info!("Actions on {crate_folder:?} START {ix}/{total}"); let start = Utc::now(); let mut res = HashMap::new(); for action in actions { res.insert(action.clone(), cargo_on_single(crate_folder, action)); } if cleanup { std::fs::remove_dir_all(crate_folder.join("target")).unwrap(); } let end = Utc::now(); log::info!( "Actions on {crate_folder:?} DONE {ix}/{total} Elapsed: {}", end.timestamp() - start.timestamp() ); res } fn cargo_on_single(crate_path: &PathBuf, action: &str) -> bool { log::info!("{action} on {crate_path:?} START"); let args = get_args(action); let skip = skip(action); let folder = crate_path.clone().into_os_string().into_string().unwrap(); let folders = skip.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<String>(); if folders.contains(&folder) { log::info!("{action} on {crate_path:?} SKIPPED"); return true; } let error = format!("failed to execute 'cargo {args:?} --check' process"); let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); for arg in args { cmd.arg(arg); } let result = cmd.current_dir(crate_path).output().expect(&error); log::info!("{action} on {crate_path:?} DONE"); if !result.status.success() { let code = result.status.code().unwrap(); log::error!("Cannot execute {args:?} on crate: {crate_path:?} exit code: {code} stdout: {} stderr: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&result.stdout).unwrap(), std::str::from_utf8(&result.stderr).unwrap()); return false; } true } fn get_crates(path: &Path) -> Vec<PathBuf> { log::info!("get_crates"); let crates = get_crates_recoursive(path); log::info!("get_crates done\n"); crates } fn get_crates_recoursive(path: &Path) -> Vec<PathBuf> { let mut crates: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![]; for entry in path.read_dir().expect("read_dir call failed").flatten() { if entry.path().ends_with("target") { continue; } //println!("{:?}", entry); if entry.path().ends_with("Cargo.toml") { //println!("cargo: {:?}", entry.path().parent()); crates.push(entry.path().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf()); } if entry.path().is_dir() { crates.extend(get_crates_recoursive(entry.path().as_path())); } } crates } // TODO: go deeper than 2 levels to also handle examples/*/src/ // TODO: but exclude examples/*/target/ // TODO: move the exclude lists to external files fn get_all_the_examples() -> Vec<String> { log::info!("get_all_the_examples"); let exclude: Vec<String> = [ "examples/image/create-image/image.png", "examples/other/multi_counter_with_manual_csv/counter.csv", "examples/other/send-mail-with-sendgrid/config.txt", ] .iter() .map(|path| path.to_string()) .collect(); let pathes = get_examples(Path::new("examples")); let pathes: Vec<String> = pathes .iter() .filter(|path| !exclude.contains(path)) .cloned() .collect(); log::info!("get_all_the_examples done\n"); pathes } fn get_examples(path: &Path) -> Vec<String> { let mut examples: Vec<String> = vec![]; for entry in path.read_dir().expect("read_dir call failed").flatten() { if entry.path().ends_with("Cargo.lock") { continue; } if entry.path().ends_with("Cargo.toml") { continue; } if entry.path().is_dir() { if entry.path().ends_with("target") { continue; } examples.extend(get_examples(entry.path().as_path())); continue; } //dbg!(&entry); if entry.path().is_file() { examples.push(entry.path().into_os_string().into_string().unwrap()); continue; } } examples //return Vec::from_iter( examples.iter().map(|s| s.clone().into_os_string().into_string().expect("Bad") ) ); } fn get_imported_files(md_files: Vec<PathBuf>) -> Vec<String> { log::info!("get_imported_files"); // println!("{:?}", md_files); //  // let re = Regex::new(r"^!\[\]]\((.*)\)\s*$").unwrap(); let mut imported_files = vec![]; for filename in md_files { //println!("{:?}", filename); match File::open(filename.as_path()) { Ok(file) => { let reader = BufReader::new(file); for line in reader.lines() { let line = line.unwrap(); if line.starts_with(" && line.ends_with(')') { //println!("{}", &line[4..line.len()-1]) imported_files.push((line[4..line.len() - 1]).to_string()); } } } Err(error) => { log::error!("Failed opening file {filename:?}: {error}"); } } } log::info!("get_imported_files done\n"); Vec::from_iter(imported_files.iter().map(|s| s.to_string())) } fn get_md_files() -> Vec<PathBuf> { log::info!("get_md_files"); let mut md_files = vec![]; let path = Path::new("."); for entry in path.read_dir().expect("read_dir call failed").flatten() { let filename = entry.path(); //println!("{:?}", filename); //.as_path()); let extension = filename.extension(); if let Some(value) = extension { if value == "md" { // println!("{:?}", filename); //println!("{}", filename); md_files.push(filename); } } //println!("{:?}", extension.unwrap()) } log::info!("get_md_files done\n"); md_files } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] struct Skip { example: String, update: String, test: String, clippy: String, run: String, comment: String, } // TODO read this file only once // TODO compute the path to the file in a simpler way // TODO change the lookup to be an O(1) operation (instead of returning a vector return a hashmap) // TODO verify that every example listed in the csv file is still present in the examples directory // TODO mark examples that should fail compilation and then check that they do fail fn read_skips() -> HashMap<String, Vec<String>> { let path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); let path = path .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .join("skips.csv"); let csv_text = std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap(); let mut skips: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::from([ (String::from("update"), vec![]), (String::from("test"), vec![]), (String::from("clippy"), vec![]), (String::from("run"), vec![]), ]); let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .has_headers(true) .trim(csv::Trim::All) .from_reader(csv_text.as_bytes()); for result in rdr.deserialize::<Skip>() { match result { Ok(record) => { if record.update == "true" { skips .get_mut("update") .unwrap() .push(record.example.clone()); } if record.test == "true" { skips.get_mut("test").unwrap().push(record.example.clone()); } if record.clippy == "true" { skips .get_mut("clippy") .unwrap() .push(record.example.clone()); } if == "true" { skips.get_mut("run").unwrap().push(record.example); } } Err(err) => panic!("Error parsing csv {err}"), } } skips } fn skip(name: &str) -> Vec<String> { let skips = read_skips(); if name == "update" { return skips[&String::from("update")].clone(); } if name == "clippy" { return skips[&String::from("clippy")].clone(); } if name == "run" { return skips[&String::from("run")].clone(); } if name == "test" { return skips[&String::from("test")].clone(); } vec![] } fn get_args(action: &str) -> &'static [&'static str] { if action == "clippy" { return &["clippy", "--", "--deny", "warnings"]; } if action == "update" { return &["update"]; } if action == "fmt" { return &["fmt"]; } if action == "fmt_check" { return &["fmt", "--check"]; } if action == "test" { return &["test"]; } if action == "run" { return &["run"]; } panic!("Unknown action: {action}"); }