Rust on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Stats

Similar to the Rust user groups that are listing "groups that meet" on this page we are going to list the Rust groups on LinkedIn.

I search for "rust" and "groups" and LinkedIn return 53 pages of results. 10 entries per page. Some of the results were generic groups that also mentioned Rust. I left those out. I went through the first 9 pages and collected the pages that focus on Rust. Then I got tired. The ones I listed are mostly very small and inactive. I am not sure there is much point in listing them, but for now I'll keep them. If you'd like to add other groups, you are just a Pull-Request away.

International Groups

Number of memebers on the given date

group 2024.04.08 2024.06.17 change
Rust Programming Language 23,261 24,139 3.7 %
Rust Developer Community (Rust Lang) 3,668 4,048 10.3 %
Rust Developers 1,311 1,365 4.1 %
Rust (Programming Language) 1,308 1,489 13.8 %
rust-jobs 915 965
Unofficial Rust Programming Language Job Board 590 639
Rust programming 203 229
Rust Blockchain Developers (Solana, Terra, Cosmwasm, Cosmos SDK) 149 150
Embedded Rust 140 159
Rust Language 102 120
Rust language 86 85
Rust Programming Guild 66 95
Rust Developer 52 63
Rust Programming Language ( Rustlang ) 39 39
Let's RUST 13 17
Rust Developers Hub 12 13

Local groups

group 2024.04.08 2024.06.17
The Rust Way Germany 232 232
Germany's Rust developers community 66 89
Perth Rust Community 66 69
Lithuanian Rust Developers 57 59
Rust Pune Meetup Group 55 57
Malta Rust 31 31
Rust Language Turkey 31 31
Rust User Group - Paris 29 29
Rust Enthusiasts India 28 28
Rust Programming Poland, Polska, Programiści 28 28
Rust USA 28 29
Lenguaje de programación Rust 27 27
Rust Munich 26 36
Rust in Israel 23 40
RUST Jobs UK 22 22
Rust Developers Group 22 24
Desenvolvedor Rust 20 22
Rust India 18 18
Rust Brasil 17 17
Arabian Rust Language Software Egineers 13 13
Rust Developers India 12 12
Rust Lang Brasil 10 12
Magyar Rust fejlesztők / Hungarian Rust developers 8 8
Rust Georgia 8 8
Rust Developers Balkan 8 8
Rust Lang Azerbaijan 7 8
Persian Rust Developers 7 7
Rust Atlanta 7 7
Rust Venezuela 1 1
Rust SriLanka 1 1

Companies / Showcases / Pages


group location 2024.04.08 2024.06.17
Rust Foundation Wakefield, MA 12K 13K
Rust Programming Language Toronto, Ontario 8K 8K
Rust Jobs Cheyenne, Wyoming 7K 10K
Rust Developer London, England 6K 6K


Related Pages

Rust social status update 2024.06


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Rust Maven web site maintains several Open source projects in Rust and while he still feels he has tons of new things to learn about Rust he already offers training courses in Rust and still teaches Python, Perl, git, GitHub, GitLab, CI, and testing.

Gabor Szabo