
  1. Create simple struct
  2. Change attributes of a mutable struct
  3. Implement a method for a struct
  4. Struct method to modify fields
  5. Struct inheritance
  6. Struct composition: Circle
  7. Struct composition: Line
  8. Struct with vector of structs - Polygon
  9. Printing struct fails
  10. Print struct - implement Display
  11. Debug struct - implement Debug
  12. Derive Debug for struct
  13. Struct with vector and optional value
  14. Printing and debug-printing simple struct
  15. Use a tuple as a struct to represent color
  16. Add method to tuple-based struct
  17. Struct with method
  18. Structs and circural references
  19. new method with default values for struct
  20. The new method has no special feature
  21. Default values
  22. Default for composite struct
  23. Compare structs for Equality
  24. Compare structs for Equality - manual implementation
  25. Compare structs for partial equality - PartialEq
  26. Compare structs for ordering (sorting) - Ord
  27. Compare structs for partial ordering (sorting) - PartialOrd
  28. Manually implement ordering
  29. Copy attributes from struct instance
  30. Drop - destructor
  31. Exercise - struct for contact info
  32. Solution - struct for contact info