liquid templating
- What is a template engine?
- Install
- Liquid use-cases
- Liquid Hello World
- Liquid Hello World with variable
- Liquid Hello World read template from file
- Liquid Hello World embed template file
- Liquid flow control: if - else
- Liquid flow control: else if written as elsif
- Liquid flow control: case/when
- Liquid passing more complex data
- Liquid for loop passing a vector or an array
- Liquid vector of tuples
- Liquid HashMap
- Liquid for loop with if conditions
- Liquid with struct
- Liquid with Option in a struct
- Liquid include
- Liquid include header and footer
- Liquid layout (include and capture)
- Liquid assign to variable in template
- Liquid filters on strings: upcase, downcase, capitalize
- Liquid filters on numbers: plus, minus
- Liquid filters: first, last
- Liquid filter reverse array
- Liquid for loop: limit, offset, reversed
- Liquid comma between every two elements (forloop.last)
- Liquid: create your own filter: reverse a string
- Liquid: create your own filter: commafy
- Liquid: length of string, size of vector
- Liquid: Embed HTML - escape HTML
- Liquid tags
- Liquid create your own tag without parameters
- Liquid create your own tag with a single parameter
- Liquid create your own tag with many values
- Liquid create your own tag accepting two numbers
- Liquid create your own tag with attribute as key=value pair
- Liquid create tag that uses scalar values passed to the render function
- Liquid create tag that uses array of values passed to the render function (latest, limit, tag)
- Liquid create include tag that overrides existing include tag
- Liquid sort array or vector
- Liquid TODO