
  1. Rust - write to file
  2. Rust - read content of a file as a string
  3. Rust - read file line-by-line
  4. Rust - read file line-by-line with row number (enumerate)
  5. Rust - counter
  6. Rust list content of directory
  7. Rust list directory content recursively (tree)
  8. Makedir
  9. Makedirs
  10. Get the temporary directory
  11. Create temporary directory
  12. Current working directory
  13. Change directory
  14. Append to file
  15. Show size of file
  16. du - disk usage
  17. Error handling in file operations
  18. Exercise count digits in file
  19. Exercise - wc (word count)
  20. Exercise - simple grep
  21. Exercise - du (disk usage)
  22. Solution: count digits in file