Declarative macros

  1. Examples of standard declarative macros
  2. todo! for and if-condition
  3. todo! for a match
  4. unimplemented
  5. About Declarative macros
  6. Hello World macro
  7. Macro with literal values
  8. Macro with parameter to say hello
  9. Fragment specifiers
  10. Macro with literal
  11. Macro with ident - create function
  12. Macro with optional parameter to say hello
  13. Macro with many parameters to say hello
  14. Macro to create a HashMap to be a counter
  15. Macro prt! to explore memory allocation
  16. Macro String::from
  17. Macro ok! to replace unwrap
  18. Macro pair! to create tuple with Some
  19. Optional function parameters using macros
  20. Debugging macros using trace_macros
  21. Define a function using a macro
  22. Error logging
  23. Some crates that provide macros
  24. HTML to string macro
  25. Using a helper macro vs helper function in tests