CLI - Command line Interface with clap

  1. Clap - Command Line Argument Parser
  2. Clap Single positional argument
  3. Clap Several positional arguments
  4. Clap Single long argument
  5. Clap Short arguments
  6. Clap accepting string, number, bool - default values
  7. Clap add help to each argument
  8. Clap show the version number from Cargo.toml
  9. Clap Show the description of the crates using the about command
  10. Clap Show the description written in the code
  11. Clap show generated description
  12. Clap validate number range
  13. Clap subcommands
  14. Clap mutually exclusive
  15. Clap mutually exclusive with group
  16. Clap example for CLI
  17. Clap: improving the help with value_name
  18. Clap: one of a fixed list of values (enumerated)
  19. Clap and environment variables
  20. Clap - set default value if other flag provided
  21. Clap - set default value if other argument provided
  22. Clap - set default value based on another flag
  23. Clap complete enum - name of shell
  24. Repeat the same argument several times
  25. Limit the number of values for a vector argument
  26. Clap: fixed list of valid values for generic type
  27. Clap: arbitraty function to validate argument )
  28. Clap: default value only if the flag was provides