Rust programming
Author: Gabor Szabo
- Self Introduction (2)
- Introduction to Rust (20)
- Hello World (15)
- Variables (9)
- Convert string to number (4)
- Command line arguments - ARGS demo (7)
- Development tools (7)
- Use libraries (4)
- Rust types (4)
- Numbers (32)
- Constants (2)
- Characters (1)
- Random (2)
- STDIN (11)
- Loops in Rust (5)
- Conditional operation and boolean values in Rust (16)
- Arrays in Rust (12)
- Option (4)
- Strings in Rust (46)
- Command line arguments - ARGS (6)
- Tuples in Rust (9)
- struct (38)
- Vectors in Rust (54)
- HashMap in Rust (28)
- Enum (17)
- Files (22)
- Path (12)
- Functions (19)
- Variable ownership in Rust (26)
- Error handling in Rust (13)
- Date and Time (4)
- DateTime with Chrono (6)
- CSV (7)
- Handlebars (6)
- liquid templating (42)
- Modules (5)
- Crates (1)
- Testing (9)
- Threads in Rust (39)
- Threadpool (1)
- Threaded map (1)
- rayon (4)
- async (2)
- Regex (4)
- Sets (4)
- CLI - Command line Interface with clap (28)
- JSON (24)
- YAML (4)
- TOML (2)
- Lifetime (5)
- Iterators (21)
- Advanced Functions (11)
- image (1)
- http (4)
- Logging (4)
- Tracing (5)
- Execute and run external commands (5)
- Macros (3)
- Declarative macros (25)
- Procedural macros (5)
- egui (6)
- SQLite (14)
- Binary (1)
- Learning tasks (14)
- unsafe (3)
- Tera (5)
- Rocket (40)
- SurrealDB (33)
- Sea ORM (1)
- Ratatui (10)
- Embedded (1)
- Other (61)