Are We Embedded Yet? - Implementing tiny HTTP server on a microcontroller with Maor Malka

Given Rust's destiny to become the go-to replacement for C, a clear target for such a change would be the world of embedded microcontrollers. we sometimes tend to ignore these devices, but they cover so much of our basic appliances and they all are running C. The embedded world is notorious for its lack of capabilities of reuse and following proper safe code guidelines. this is especially true when most Embedded C developers use many tricks to get the most optimal result in regards to speed and size. I wanted to try and leverage the power of Rust to show both its capabilities to create advanced projects easily, and do so in a "safe" manner. I will show an example project, done on a custom STM32 microcontroller board with only 128KB Flash and 40KB running a HTTP server by becoming a USB Ethernet Adapter. Link to Repo of stamrust

About Maor Malka: Currently a Digital Design Engineer at ARBE robotics Been doing embedded, board design, FPGA and system design for the past 11 years. Now starting to add rust to my toolbox 😉


Maor Malka



1 00:00:01.870 --> 00:00:22.670 Gabor Szabo: Okay, so hello and welcome. That's what I wanted to say. Codemaven meetings and the code Maven Youtube Channel. If you're watching in this in the video. If you're watching, please, like the video and follow the channel before I forget.

2 00:00:22.760 --> 00:00:34.290 Gabor Szabo: My name is Gabor Sabu. I myself teach rust and teach python and help companies introduce testing and Ci.

3 00:00:35.110 --> 00:00:59.180 Gabor Szabo: and I think sharing knowledge is is really important. I've been organizing various meetups for more than 20 years now, and mostly in person. But recently I started this this idea of of inviting people and sharing their their knowledge. And I'm really happy that it's still it's it's starting to take off.

4 00:00:59.440 --> 00:01:09.740 Gabor Szabo: So if you have any idea that we'd like to present to the audience, then you're welcome to connect contact me, and and we can discuss a presentation.

5 00:01:09.920 --> 00:01:15.200 Gabor Szabo: and this time we are going to talk about rust and embedded rust, and.

6 00:01:15.330 --> 00:01:18.489 Gabor Szabo: moreover, I'm going to give the the

7 00:01:18.800 --> 00:01:47.779 Gabor Szabo: place for for more, and he'll introduce himself much better than I do, and thank you for coming, and thank you for watching the video. So that's that's not your turn. And just before I finish this, so if you are here in the video, in the in the meeting, feel free to ask questions, that's 1 of the nice parts of participating in the in the event that you can ask questions in the chat and then stay around discussing things so.

8 00:01:48.180 --> 00:01:49.180 maor malka: More.

9 00:01:50.160 --> 00:01:55.669 maor malka: Thank you, Bubble. I'm going to share my screen. Let me just make sure everybody can see it.

10 00:01:56.803 --> 00:02:00.270 maor malka: Just a picture. Everybody can see the screen.

11 00:02:01.656 --> 00:02:02.750 Gabor Szabo: Yes, we.

12 00:02:03.420 --> 00:02:04.120 maor malka: See the presentation.

13 00:02:04.120 --> 00:02:06.779 Gabor Szabo: I can see the. Are we embedded yet.

14 00:02:07.140 --> 00:02:08.470 maor malka: Yeah, okay, perfect.

15 00:02:09.060 --> 00:02:22.380 Gabor Szabo: I wanted to say that we we saw this. We noticed this an earlier meeting, that some reason that the slides weren't followed well, by zoom. So please mention when, if you feel that it's off.

16 00:02:22.610 --> 00:02:26.168 maor malka: Okay. Okay. Hi, everyone

17 00:02:27.270 --> 00:02:37.099 maor malka: Welcome to the presentation called, are we embedded? Yet? This is the story of my little journey to implement, a tiny Http server on a microcontroller.

18 00:02:38.070 --> 00:02:48.470 maor malka: So who am I? Hi, I'm or I'm an electronics engineer and a maker. I currently work for arbay as a digital design engineer.

19 00:02:48.590 --> 00:03:00.349 maor malka: I've been doing embedded hardware design logic design for the past 11 years. And I got interested in rust. And I decided, I want to try and add it to my toolbox of knowledge.

20 00:03:01.900 --> 00:03:06.990 maor malka: So what are we gonna talk about today? I hope you're seeing the 1st slide right now with the agenda. Yeah.

21 00:03:06.990 --> 00:03:07.640 Gabor Szabo: Yep.

22 00:03:07.640 --> 00:03:37.330 maor malka: Okay, perfect. What are we gonna talk about today? We're gonna do a quick run to about what our microcontrollers we're gonna talk. What is the challenge with using rust in the embedded environment. We're gonna look at the use case. I was trying to create what's the process was to create the the drivers and the tool set to actually make it work. What is the build environment usually use? How do you debug code? And we're gonna look at a bit of demos.

23 00:03:37.830 --> 00:03:40.840 maor malka: And once we finalize all that we can talk about conclusions.

24 00:03:41.450 --> 00:04:00.910 maor malka: So what are microcontrollers? Microcontrollers are compact, self-contained computing devices? They consist of the processor memory peripherals and sometimes specialized hardware to do specific things like, for example, USB control cameras displays, and it's all integrated into one single chip.

25 00:04:01.480 --> 00:04:23.189 maor malka: Usually we use microcontrollers when we need something to work as real time operations. Most of the times you take a microcontroller and you run pure code on it without an operating system running some kind of just while loop or an interrupt driven loop. So it will do actions depending on. For example, if a button is pressed.

26 00:04:23.540 --> 00:04:40.240 maor malka: or in other cases that are also super common. You use something called a real time operating system, which lets you create somewhat something equivalent of threads, but they are very deterministic, and you can know exactly when each one will run.

27 00:04:41.010 --> 00:04:48.310 maor malka: They're usually also designed for low power consumption. So you most of the things that use batteries would use microcontrollers.

28 00:04:48.510 --> 00:04:58.550 maor malka: And yes, they're everywhere, in every, almost every electronic product that isn't using some form of an advanced processor will probably use a microcontroller.

29 00:05:00.050 --> 00:05:02.880 maor malka: So what types of microcontrollers are there?

30 00:05:03.100 --> 00:05:27.629 maor malka: There's a huge variety, and it's a constant battle between getting the most performance or the lowest power or the cheapest price. Even if we look, for example, at architectures, there are so many different architectures that are still being used today. If, for example, look at 8 bit architectures. We can talk about Arduino, for example, which uses its own architecture called Avr.

31 00:05:27.680 --> 00:05:38.170 maor malka: Those are the original ones, not the modern ones, we can think about the 80 51 which is super common to see in in more like industrial electronics.

32 00:05:38.260 --> 00:06:04.359 maor malka: In the sixteen-bit world, we have, for example, the Msp. 440, and of course, in the 40 two-bit world we have the arm which the M series which stands for Microcontroller. We have Risc 5, which is now starting to become much more popular in actual products. And we also have MIPS which you can see in some older generation of microcontrollers.

33 00:06:04.730 --> 00:06:18.760 maor malka: The amount of memory we usually have in these in these microcontrollers is very small. You can see examples that can be as low as 8 kB of flash memory, and 512 Byte of RAM, and sometimes even lower.

34 00:06:19.450 --> 00:06:28.259 maor malka: And even to this day you can still buy microcontrollers, which are one time programmable, and they can be as cheap as 3 cents.

35 00:06:29.570 --> 00:06:33.290 maor malka: Okay, that's great. And all, what about rust?

36 00:06:34.260 --> 00:06:46.810 maor malka: So let's talk about what is the main challenge with doing rust with microcontrollers. Most microcontrollers, if not all of them, implement a single memory space

37 00:06:46.920 --> 00:06:55.970 maor malka: for everything which means your code. All the peripherals RAM, everything is mapped into a single memory space.

38 00:06:56.770 --> 00:07:07.660 maor malka: That means, for example, if you want to blink an led, you need to write or read from a specific memory address in the memory space.

39 00:07:08.160 --> 00:07:16.270 maor malka: Why is that such a problem? Well, that essentially breaks a lot of Rust's memory safety concepts.

40 00:07:16.670 --> 00:07:24.900 maor malka: And we can see an example of that. If we look at a single example, just making sure everybody is seeing the table. That says Systic.

41 00:07:26.250 --> 00:07:27.495 maor malka: Yes.

42 00:07:28.740 --> 00:07:37.340 maor malka: okay, no glitches so far, that's good. So every arm Microcontroller has a small piece of hardware called the systick.

43 00:07:37.660 --> 00:07:45.539 maor malka: which is a counter that can count clock cycles. You can use it to calculate a small delay or

44 00:07:45.710 --> 00:07:48.210 maor malka: to count to count elapsed time.

45 00:07:48.860 --> 00:08:06.449 maor malka: And the way you do that is this block has 4 registers that you can access. Starting at a specific memory offset. And, as you can see in this example, 3 of these registers are read-write registers, and one of them is a read-only register.

46 00:08:08.060 --> 00:08:13.369 maor malka: So okay, let's let's try to implement it in rust. So

47 00:08:13.570 --> 00:08:18.550 maor malka: the 1st thing we do is say, okay, let's write this as a, it's not clicking

48 00:08:19.210 --> 00:08:24.309 maor malka: is the what's going on. Oh, sorry little glitch.

49 00:08:26.450 --> 00:08:31.429 maor malka: So say, okay, let's let's implement it in rust. So let's write a struct

50 00:08:31.560 --> 00:08:40.549 maor malka: called Systic, which has 4 4 fields, one for each one of these registers. The size is 32 bits.

51 00:08:40.919 --> 00:09:01.579 maor malka: and we'll use a special thing above the struct to tell rust to not try to break down this struct as in to keep it in the same style as C, which means that these 4 registers or 4 fields are essentially a continuous piece of memory.

52 00:09:02.430 --> 00:09:09.329 maor malka: Okay, now, we have the struct that represents this structure. How do we actually use it?

53 00:09:09.470 --> 00:09:14.710 maor malka: So this is, this is where, unfortunately, we need to start using unsafe code.

54 00:09:15.170 --> 00:09:36.560 maor malka: So to do this, we need to take the memory offset that we see here the 0 XE. 1,000 underscore e. 10, and cast it as a mutable reference to a systic struct, and then give a mutable reference to that, as the object that we use.

55 00:09:38.301 --> 00:09:44.298 maor malka: That's yeah. That's that's a mouthful. And to to make things even worse,

56 00:09:45.090 --> 00:09:48.489 maor malka: rust. And like C does this as well

57 00:09:48.730 --> 00:10:05.270 maor malka: because you don't want the compiler to optimize out these memory accesses. You have to do this, reads and writes in a volatile fashion, and doing these accesses in a volatile fashion is also unsafe code.

58 00:10:05.440 --> 00:10:07.519 maor malka: which means in just these

59 00:10:07.680 --> 00:10:16.299 maor malka: 6 lines we've had to use unsafe constantly in order to access something. That's a very basic part of our code.

60 00:10:17.370 --> 00:10:26.019 maor malka: Okay, so this is obviously very, very uncomfortable. And obviously, we don't just want to put unsafe on the entire code and just keep going. So what do we do?

61 00:10:26.280 --> 00:10:29.307 maor malka: One example that we can do is

62 00:10:30.100 --> 00:10:44.050 maor malka: create a struct which holds a static reference, a static mutable reference to the actual register block and hide all the unsafe operations behind functions that we present to the user.

63 00:10:44.380 --> 00:10:48.890 maor malka: When we do it like this, it means that, as you can see here under the

64 00:10:49.280 --> 00:11:07.080 maor malka: under a function called example usage. The user no longer has to write unsafe code, which means us as crape providers can handle and make sure that the unsafe side is perfect and the user doesn't have to actually run unsafe code on its own.

65 00:11:08.080 --> 00:11:11.149 maor malka: This is great and all. But what about the borrower checker?

66 00:11:12.110 --> 00:11:34.390 maor malka: So we can look at it at the embedded C idea and say, what we usually do in C is, say, let's just make this a global variable. Let's hold us a global struct with this thing we want to do. But the main thing is that when we write this in rust. We're essentially writing a static, mutable object

67 00:11:34.720 --> 00:11:40.950 maor malka: and to access static, mutable things. It is an unsafe operation. So we got nowhere.

68 00:11:41.100 --> 00:11:43.066 maor malka: So what do we do

69 00:11:43.830 --> 00:11:55.489 maor malka: The developers of the embedded rust word group have thought of an idea of representing each one of the peripherals as a single tone.

70 00:11:55.800 --> 00:12:00.770 maor malka: which means that you take the peripheral and you wrap it within an option.

71 00:12:01.330 --> 00:12:12.590 maor malka: and when you want to use that peripheral, you essentially take it, and by taking it the inner of the option becomes none. Which means the next time someone will try to take it.

72 00:12:13.256 --> 00:12:14.839 maor malka: You'll get a panic.

73 00:12:18.170 --> 00:12:32.840 maor malka: Okay, so now we have this basic tool set which allows us to actually access peripherals and use it in some form of a safe fashion and getting some of the safety capabilities of rust.

74 00:12:33.530 --> 00:12:46.199 maor malka: Obviously, we don't want to just go now and write every register block inside the chip. It can have hundreds of, if not thousands, of registers that we need to write. What do we do?

75 00:12:46.680 --> 00:12:59.279 maor malka: So the methodology that usually is done when it comes to the embedded world is to use something called a hardware abstraction library, and the way that the embedded rust implemented this

76 00:12:59.300 --> 00:13:18.490 maor malka: is by taking a special file called an Svd file, which is a file that usually is provided by most microcontroller vendors, which contains every peripheral, the addresses, and all the fields and bit width, and everything that each part of the chip has.

77 00:13:18.750 --> 00:13:37.980 maor malka: and they created a translator which takes this file and converts it into rust code, or, more specifically, to something called a peripheral access crate. This creates all the necessary templated rust code to access each and every one of the registers and fields in the chip.

78 00:13:38.980 --> 00:14:07.040 maor malka: And what we do above that is that we can create something called a Hal crate. So a Hal Crate allows us to. Instead of using, for example, to read the sample from the ABC. Where we'll have to write all these like, I don't know 1516 registers just to configure the ABC. We can create a function which allows us to initialize the ABC. And underline it uses the peripheral access crate

79 00:14:07.370 --> 00:14:08.930 maor malka: to do all the code.

80 00:14:09.490 --> 00:14:34.589 maor malka: One more above that is something called a board crate. So, for example, if we're using a specific PCB which has, let's say, an led connected to PIN 8 of the Microcontroller, you can describe that as an abstraction which says, this is the red led on the board, and when you control that you underline, it goes and controls PIN number 8 and blinks it.

81 00:14:35.329 --> 00:14:43.529 maor malka: Obviously, this is this conversion? Part of the Svd. Which saved a lot of time is obviously written in python.

82 00:14:44.910 --> 00:15:04.499 maor malka: So let's talk about the use case I was trying to make. So it seems like embedded rust is going to be very interesting. So I wanted to see if I can get the 3 core values implemented in an actual embedded project. So I wanted 1st of all to see that reuse.

83 00:15:04.860 --> 00:15:13.560 maor malka: which means that I can actually use cargo to save me from writing a lot of code blocks which, again, working in the embedded sea world.

84 00:15:13.830 --> 00:15:22.580 maor malka: you find yourself copy and pasting because there is no actual ideal method of sharing code one second.

85 00:15:24.260 --> 00:15:25.960 maor malka: The second thing is size.

86 00:15:26.270 --> 00:15:33.180 maor malka: Obviously, we're using a much higher level language than C. But it was important to me to see that

87 00:15:33.430 --> 00:15:38.520 maor malka: even in this case it can fit in small, in small microcontrollers.

88 00:15:38.760 --> 00:15:41.789 maor malka: And the 3rd thing is safety. I want to show that

89 00:15:41.900 --> 00:15:45.750 maor malka: the rust compiler helped me avoid any funny business.

90 00:15:46.980 --> 00:15:48.320 maor malka: So what's the task?

91 00:15:48.540 --> 00:15:52.449 maor malka: I'm trying to implement a web server on an Stm. 32.

92 00:15:52.980 --> 00:16:19.370 maor malka: Why do I want to do that? Usually, when people create these embedded projects, they provide with the project these archaic Guis, they wrote in a horrible language called C. Sharp, which uses this proprietary protocol to communicate with their product, and that's the only way to work with it. And if you have the wrong version, it breaks. And

93 00:16:19.580 --> 00:16:31.400 maor malka: and obviously, if you don't have the drivers. It breaks so it seems like the most viable ideas. Why not provide the Gui with the product?

94 00:16:32.460 --> 00:16:33.550 maor malka: So

95 00:16:33.870 --> 00:16:43.639 maor malka: let's try to do that. The main issue is, though, that the Microcontroller, which you can see on the right on my finger has no networking hardware.

96 00:16:43.920 --> 00:16:50.649 maor malka: It has no file system support, and it only has 128 kB of flash and 40 kB of RAM

97 00:16:52.020 --> 00:16:57.170 maor malka: to top it all off, because this microcontroller is this small

98 00:16:57.654 --> 00:17:01.350 maor malka: what you usually do is you have to use something called no standard.

99 00:17:01.530 --> 00:17:07.260 maor malka: So rust provides a lot of a lot of utilities in its standard crates.

100 00:17:07.770 --> 00:17:20.219 maor malka: and because these are usually rely on some other underlying like requirements of the operating system, and sometimes can take a lot of space, we can't use that.

101 00:17:20.609 --> 00:17:32.229 maor malka: So this strips a lot of basic things, such as even using panic or using vec, we can't use it without actually providing some additional resources that we need to add to our code.

102 00:17:32.740 --> 00:17:40.489 maor malka: The biggest implication, though, is any crate that we want to use also has to support no standard mode.

103 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:43.729 maor malka: So how are you going to do this?

104 00:17:45.420 --> 00:17:54.869 maor malka: we're going to use the USB interface of the Microcontroller to essentially tell the computer that this is a USB to Ethernet

105 00:17:55.000 --> 00:18:01.880 maor malka: dongle, using something in the USB standard, which is called a Cvc Ncm.

106 00:18:02.800 --> 00:18:18.940 maor malka: After the computer thinks that the connected device is an Ethernet device, we will add to the Microcontroller, Tcp IP stack, which will let us send basic protocol messages to the USB interface.

107 00:18:19.290 --> 00:18:39.260 maor malka: And finally, above that, we will create 2 sockets in the Microcontroller. One is an Http socket. So we can serve the website and handle, get and post requests from the client, and we'll also create a Dhcp socket which will allow the microcontroller to give the computer an IP address

108 00:18:41.590 --> 00:18:48.850 maor malka: kind of like this. So each one of these gray gray cubes is

109 00:18:49.280 --> 00:18:57.189 maor malka: is a crate that I ended up using. And the blue ones are things I had to write.

110 00:18:58.180 --> 00:19:07.180 maor malka: So, for example, you can see here things such as the hell as we talked about a moment ago, and.

111 00:19:07.470 --> 00:19:13.269 Gabor Szabo: Just sorry. Just a second. There was a question, where can you do? Can you do Hipaa location? Noah City.

112 00:19:13.830 --> 00:19:14.760 maor malka: One second

113 00:19:15.230 --> 00:19:21.510 maor malka: about Hua location. Yes, we actually have a slide about it. So once I get there, I'll talk about it.

114 00:19:22.260 --> 00:19:30.548 maor malka: And yes, okay? So as you can see, a lot of the

115 00:19:31.030 --> 00:19:48.580 maor malka: The the right side which talks about the actual peripherals of the Microcontroller were luckily standing on the shoulder of giants that have did the effort to make all these crates possible. And of course, the Tcp IP stack.

116 00:19:48.740 --> 00:19:53.489 maor malka: using something called small Tcp, which is a no standard. Tcp, IP stack.

117 00:19:54.150 --> 00:19:57.340 maor malka: So how does this actual interface looks like?

118 00:19:58.590 --> 00:20:02.960 maor malka: 1st off, we need to write the the Cvc Mcm. Driver.

119 00:20:03.080 --> 00:20:32.910 maor malka: So this is something you take from the USB spec about how you're supposed to provide the computer. The information of this is a Cdc Ncm device. What's its Mac address, what connections does it have? So that is the 1st phase. Afterwards. You will now start getting a data stream coming from the USB. Port. You need to write an Api handler to handle the traffic which we want to convert to Ethernet packets and vice versa.

120 00:20:33.590 --> 00:20:53.590 maor malka: and the packets come in small chunks, because this is a USB 1.1 device. It only provides 64 Byte each time. So we need to essentially buffer and slowly parse the messages. And this luckily was done, using a concurrent queue which let us essentially buffer a set of messages and only handle them later

121 00:20:54.250 --> 00:20:55.100 maor malka: and

122 00:20:55.290 --> 00:21:20.750 maor malka: on the Tcp. IP. Side. Small Tcp appsects weigh the idea of an interface to providing what it calls Tx and Rx tokens. So you need to provide an implementation for handling. When the small Tcp. Requests a Tx token, or wants to consume an Rx token, you need to provide that interface.

123 00:21:21.150 --> 00:21:34.750 maor malka: The way I did it is by creating another concurrent queue, which means that the the small Tcp can deposit or pop prepared messages for him to for it to parse

124 00:21:34.920 --> 00:21:36.940 maor malka: or send away, and

125 00:21:37.180 --> 00:21:44.649 maor malka: I can handle them in a store place, because again, the the USB side, I can only do it in small chunks of 64 Byte.

126 00:21:48.800 --> 00:21:57.360 maor malka: So how does this environment look like? What? What do we need to actually compile bare metal code for for using rust?

127 00:21:57.550 --> 00:22:00.340 maor malka: So 1st off, we need a cross compiler, tool chain

128 00:22:00.560 --> 00:22:13.080 maor malka: and rust. Does this amazingly. Using rustop, you just add a different target. This specifically for this case, it's a, it's an arm target called a fun. V, 6. I think.

129 00:22:14.530 --> 00:22:23.270 maor malka: or v, 7. The point is that it's a lot simpler than what you usually need to do in C to implement a cross compilation.

130 00:22:23.620 --> 00:22:27.749 maor malka: We need to provide runtime, which

131 00:22:28.340 --> 00:22:36.600 maor malka: if you didn't know when you, for example, define a variable in C or in rust which has some initial value. Let's say 7.

132 00:22:36.720 --> 00:22:49.580 maor malka: Some code has to run before your main code to actually prepare that variable, to actually be the value you're expecting it to be. That code is called the Runtime

133 00:22:49.960 --> 00:22:51.100 maor malka: and

134 00:22:51.380 --> 00:23:04.550 maor malka: the rust embedded group have also provided some form of a minimal runtime that you need for the Microcontroller to ensure that everything around your code that's running is prepared properly.

135 00:23:05.460 --> 00:23:21.509 maor malka: You also need a file called Memory X, which is Rust's way of creating a linker script. Using that file, you essentially define the address spaces where your flash and RAM live. You can also use that which I used

136 00:23:21.710 --> 00:23:25.079 maor malka: to define where you want to do heap allocations.

137 00:23:25.780 --> 00:23:28.799 maor malka: The next thing you need is a file called Buildrs.

138 00:23:29.240 --> 00:23:33.299 maor malka: which lets us force the rust compiler to use the Linker script we created.

139 00:23:35.060 --> 00:23:38.130 maor malka: And finally, after all that we have our main Rs.

140 00:23:38.420 --> 00:23:46.840 maor malka: Which contains which should contain at least 4 things. The 1st one is obviously our function main, which would be our entry point to the code

141 00:23:47.580 --> 00:23:49.120 maor malka: we would want to create

142 00:23:49.220 --> 00:23:58.429 maor malka: or or import a panic handler. So once any part of the code calls panic, it will jump to that specific piece of code.

143 00:23:59.230 --> 00:24:11.809 maor malka: We also want to define a global allocator. So anytime, we want to use something that uses the heap, for example, creating vex. Using most of the news that we want to use, we will need to provide a global allocator

144 00:24:12.150 --> 00:24:19.249 maor malka: which will allocate memory in the heap of a certain location that we define.

145 00:24:19.650 --> 00:24:31.080 maor malka: And the final thing we need to define is something called the hardware exception handlers. So when an interrupt occurs in the chip. For example, if you divide by 0,

146 00:24:31.380 --> 00:24:42.999 maor malka: you need to tell the Microcontroller a form of an emergency jump. It needs to do to specific location of code that you want to handle that situation.

147 00:24:43.230 --> 00:24:45.140 maor malka: So you need to also provide those.

148 00:24:46.110 --> 00:24:51.190 maor malka: And after we provided all that we can start working on our on our project.

149 00:24:51.820 --> 00:24:53.250 maor malka: So what about debugging?

150 00:24:53.500 --> 00:25:10.480 maor malka: So debugging is super easy. If you have the right tools. Rust luckily supports Gdb out of the box, which means we can use, for example, something called Openocd, which is a piece of software that lets us take any type of debugger

151 00:25:10.610 --> 00:25:17.020 maor malka: and use it to expose a Gdb server that we can connect you, for example, using Vs code.

152 00:25:19.190 --> 00:25:25.890 maor malka: That allows us to do step-by-step debugging on the Microcontroller while running rust and

153 00:25:26.300 --> 00:25:40.159 maor malka: on top of that in this specific case, because the Microcontroller is a modern arm chip. It also has something called Rtt. Which lets us to the Jtac port. Essentially send any arbitrary data that we want.

154 00:25:40.420 --> 00:25:51.749 maor malka: and a company called Fair System created a crate called Deformat, which lets you send out logs and panics and all this information throughout to the Jtac port

155 00:25:51.920 --> 00:25:54.640 maor malka: without requiring any extra space.

156 00:25:54.960 --> 00:25:56.200 maor malka: And

157 00:25:56.540 --> 00:26:19.809 maor malka: so in this case, because I was essentially enumerating USB, a lot connecting the Microcontroller to my windows. PC. Would make it crash quite quickly. So I set aside a raspberry pi which has the Microcontroller, which you can see down here connected to it, and Jtag, debugger by St. Connected to its debug pins.

158 00:26:20.190 --> 00:26:27.539 maor malka: And all this remote because this is Gdb. Gdb. Exposes a remote connection server, which means

159 00:26:27.770 --> 00:26:50.759 maor malka: the raspberry pi can be located somewhere further, and I can just easily, by clicking debug, actually debug remotely on the raspberry pi. The Microcontroller code. And on top of that we also have the deformat which lets me just see structured messages, including their location in code where they're printed from.

160 00:26:53.198 --> 00:26:55.839 maor malka: Okay, so what about safety?

161 00:26:57.710 --> 00:27:22.889 maor malka: so we started with talking about global variables, global variables are coming as sand in embedded projects. They're literally one of the most common things you see in almost every embedded project. And because we're using rust, and we want to change or read these variables across other pieces of our code, we're forced to use a mutex. We can't do it otherwise the rust compiler will stop you.

162 00:27:23.910 --> 00:27:42.910 maor malka: The second thing is concurrency. So in the same aspect. If we want to transfer data between pieces of code, we will have to make sure that all these shared data cannot be cannot be written overwritten while we're working on it.

163 00:27:42.990 --> 00:27:57.899 maor malka: So the only way to actually implement it is by using some form of a concurrency tool which, for example, could have been a mutex, but in this case, using the concurrent queue, helped also alleviate the fact that the data rate between

164 00:27:58.020 --> 00:28:00.950 maor malka: certain pieces of the code is not equal.

165 00:28:01.360 --> 00:28:13.339 maor malka: and the nice thing about it is because the concurrency is forced on you, even if you use an interrupt, driven system which you can think about as multiple threads that are unscheduled.

166 00:28:14.060 --> 00:28:17.960 maor malka: you can still use the same concurrent ideas, and it will still be safe.

167 00:28:19.200 --> 00:28:32.480 maor malka: And the 3rd thing is obviously compilation and panic gotchas. So obviously, when you write a parser to an Api, you won't necessarily get it right the 1st time, especially when it comes to packed data.

168 00:28:32.850 --> 00:28:51.100 maor malka: So the rust compiler caught me in a lot of times where I would either miscalculate things and cause an overflow without overflow for a certain field, or I would miscalculate the Api sizes which also caused panics or compilation errors.

169 00:28:52.210 --> 00:28:56.909 maor malka: Okay, I think I dig enough. Let's let's look at a demo.

170 00:28:59.610 --> 00:29:04.860 maor malka: So I'm gonna switch my obs to

171 00:29:05.080 --> 00:29:08.909 maor malka: this. Everybody can see. See me and the

172 00:29:09.220 --> 00:29:12.020 maor malka: and the little chrome tab that's running

173 00:29:15.310 --> 00:29:16.010 maor malka: double.

174 00:29:16.010 --> 00:29:18.598 Gabor Szabo: Yeah, I can. Yeah, yeah. Sorry.

175 00:29:19.730 --> 00:29:24.509 Gabor Szabo: you can switch to Speaker, view, everyone can switch to. In the view section of.

176 00:29:24.510 --> 00:29:28.660 maor malka: Okay, I'll hit that like this spotlight for everyone. Now, can everyone see me.

177 00:29:29.420 --> 00:29:33.019 Gabor Szabo: Yeah, no, yeah. That's what I should have done. Yeah.

178 00:29:33.020 --> 00:29:35.007 maor malka: Okay, perfect. So

179 00:29:36.220 --> 00:29:46.810 maor malka: what are we looking at right now? So on on our little chrome tab, we can see the website that was served by the Microcontroller.

180 00:29:46.920 --> 00:29:58.880 maor malka: It's right here on the bottom. You can see it right here. The Microcontroller served the website, and of course it oh, there we go. It's still alive, thank God!

181 00:29:59.860 --> 00:30:02.569 maor malka: And it it served the website.

182 00:30:02.750 --> 00:30:10.409 maor malka: And in the website there's also Javascript code that constantly pulls the Microcontroller with get requests.

183 00:30:10.530 --> 00:30:16.390 maor malka: using that it pulls out the amount of loops per second, the main.

184 00:30:16.700 --> 00:30:24.590 maor malka: while loop has done, and also the Adc. Is running and presenting us. The current temperature of the Microcontroller. So if I

185 00:30:24.870 --> 00:30:30.979 maor malka: if I touch and apply pressure on the chip a bit, it should let the temperature rise up slightly.

186 00:30:32.380 --> 00:30:44.059 maor malka: and we can also do it the other way, using post requests. So, for example, there's a little screen here which I'm realizing you're not seeing. But I'm now picking a different color. And hopefully.

187 00:30:44.600 --> 00:30:53.859 maor malka: we can see on the screen. Of course it doesn't work that I didn't. I didn't praise the demo gods, so we're gonna give it another shot.

188 00:31:02.010 --> 00:31:02.990 maor malka: And

189 00:31:06.110 --> 00:31:10.255 maor malka: while the devil gods do not like me today, well,

190 00:31:11.510 --> 00:31:22.560 maor malka: yeah. So essentially, this section of the of the RGB should have controlled the RGB. Led on the board. I'm guessing it might be because of chrome. Not like me today.

191 00:31:23.220 --> 00:31:25.770 maor malka: But trust me, it works

192 00:31:31.210 --> 00:31:33.625 maor malka: one second. Let's go back to the

193 00:31:47.480 --> 00:31:48.320 maor malka: Okay.

194 00:31:49.450 --> 00:31:54.830 maor malka: One important note. I wanted to say about the this. This project.

195 00:31:56.190 --> 00:32:02.879 maor malka: This ended up being 93 K. Of flash used to make this project

196 00:32:03.020 --> 00:32:10.080 maor malka: where 6 kB was the actual website. One nice trick that I did was by

197 00:32:11.850 --> 00:32:30.440 maor malka: by minifying and then gzipping the website. I don't know if you know, but you can. You can send on the wire a gzipped website like an HTML file, and the browser itself will unzip it and then display it for the client.

198 00:32:30.710 --> 00:32:38.299 maor malka: which means you can really make a really really small website quite compact and still provide it.

199 00:32:38.480 --> 00:32:53.410 maor malka: And I ended up using 16 kB of RAM for the heap to do all the message parsing and creating the HTML text that you need to serve well, the the get and post requests mostly handling them.

200 00:32:57.800 --> 00:33:21.090 maor malka: obviously having a project that is pure rust is great and all. When you make a little hobbyist project, or you're trying to make something from scratch. But life tends to be a bit more complicated than that, and a lot of times we would like to add just a little bit of rust to our C code.

201 00:33:21.290 --> 00:33:34.340 maor malka: But luckily Rust supported that from day one that was one of the original things they they did when they created the language. So rust inherently supports using a foreign function interface

202 00:33:34.530 --> 00:33:40.219 maor malka: to essentially call or be called by C code, for example.

203 00:33:41.390 --> 00:34:01.360 maor malka: So that means that we can use our code to call other code that was written in C, or we can have some C base and have only the safe and optimized part or the newer parts of our code that we want to use in this big project written in rust.

204 00:34:03.020 --> 00:34:05.749 maor malka: One perfect example for that is.

205 00:34:05.950 --> 00:34:11.380 maor malka: on the Esp. 32. We have a crate called the Esp. Idfsbc.

206 00:34:13.590 --> 00:34:17.650 maor malka: So esp provides something they call their idf.

207 00:34:18.010 --> 00:34:25.566 maor malka: which is a which is a framework which contains which contains

208 00:34:27.310 --> 00:34:45.389 maor malka: free rtos running with multiple drivers to control many of the actual parts of the chip, for example, controlling the Wi-fi, controlling the Bluetooth, controlling all the peripherals, handling, networking encryption, file operations.

209 00:34:45.610 --> 00:34:52.599 maor malka: and you write your code above it as one of the threads of the Free Rtos.

210 00:34:52.909 --> 00:35:06.209 maor malka: So what the people that wrote the Esp. Idf. Crate, as Esp. Idf. Svc. Crate did, was essentially treat your rust code as one of those threads which means you can treat. You can just write standard rust

211 00:35:06.820 --> 00:35:09.230 maor malka: and even Async rust if you want.

212 00:35:09.680 --> 00:35:21.880 maor malka: and it will be embedded into this project, and you have just created a safe part of the code running inside this massive framework that's already been written.

213 00:35:22.870 --> 00:35:41.699 maor malka: So this framework obviously contains all the Hal drivers that we talked about. It also contains higher level setup functions. So, for example, you can ask the Wi-fi to scan, which would require quite a lot of code to write. But for you it's just one function you call in rust.

214 00:35:42.890 --> 00:35:43.950 maor malka: And

215 00:35:44.190 --> 00:36:02.499 maor malka: to actually show that I created another demo which I call the Clickup task e-paper display. I like to use clickup, which is like Monday, and all these other to do to do apps to manage all my the personal tasks I need to do, and

216 00:36:02.990 --> 00:36:11.359 maor malka: what I what I wanted to do was have a little e-paper screen next to my desk, which shows me my current tasks.

217 00:36:11.650 --> 00:36:23.910 maor malka: So the flow of the project is that the Microcontroller connects to my home. Wi-fi uses https to perform a get request on the clickup, Api, and get all my tasks.

218 00:36:24.030 --> 00:36:27.910 maor malka: It then parses that information uses Saturday. Json.

219 00:36:28.030 --> 00:36:43.749 maor malka: because this is what comes back is Json. It validates which of the tasks are late, and it adds a small indicator about it. We then use a hashing function to check if any of the data changed from the last time we checked it.

220 00:36:44.030 --> 00:36:51.890 maor malka: and if it did, we create a new display layout on the epaper display, and we send that that frame buffer to the Epaper display.

221 00:36:52.850 --> 00:37:06.070 maor malka: This project is again is only maybe 6 or 7 tasks that we need to do, but in that we relied on so much code from the est Idf. Crates and from the rust side as well.

222 00:37:06.070 --> 00:37:29.039 maor malka: For example, we'd had to use the Wi-fi driver. We had to have the Esp Idf provide certificates so we can do https properly. We had to use networking to do all the protocols we had to use. Http. We had to use Smtp to get the actual real time right now a Dhcp client to actually provide an IP address for the Esp. 42

223 00:37:29.070 --> 00:37:30.430 maor malka: spi to

224 00:37:31.390 --> 00:37:38.649 maor malka: to control the screen and to hold the previous hash. We also needed to use the non-volatile storage.

225 00:37:38.980 --> 00:37:45.189 maor malka: And on the rust side, obviously, there's more crates as well. So we had to use vex which are part of the standard rust

226 00:37:46.940 --> 00:37:57.419 maor malka: and we also use survey. And we used some tools to create the graphics which is embedded graphics and a driver which controls the the Epaper display.

227 00:37:59.220 --> 00:38:08.540 maor malka: and I can, even if I'll do a quick one of these, and I'll do spotlight

228 00:38:08.740 --> 00:38:10.667 maor malka: so we can see.

229 00:38:11.750 --> 00:38:21.070 maor malka: all we needed is one microcontroller which is one here and obviously the the display adapter board. And it just works

230 00:38:26.810 --> 00:38:27.880 maor malka: one second.

231 00:38:31.910 --> 00:38:37.030 maor malka: Okay, we had fun. Let's talk about conclusions so

232 00:38:37.500 --> 00:38:52.170 maor malka: great. We have made projects which are safe. They fit in microcontrollers. They're as fast as we want, really just 0 cost abstractions. Everything is great. But the question we wanted to ask was, Are we embedded?

233 00:38:52.690 --> 00:38:53.550 maor malka: So

234 00:38:53.750 --> 00:39:00.480 maor malka: we need to talk about the small issues that we currently have in the industry, especially when it comes to embedded projects.

235 00:39:00.650 --> 00:39:19.899 maor malka: So the 1st one is that embedded engineers are a really tough knot. Usually they have so much experience and insanity writing really archaic C code, or even just like hand making assembly to handle all these extreme cases in their microcontrollers, that they really really

236 00:39:20.100 --> 00:39:22.410 maor malka: rarely will even think about trying

237 00:39:22.730 --> 00:39:25.169 maor malka: trying to use a different language than C

238 00:39:25.330 --> 00:39:28.210 maor malka: or C plus plus if they use embedded Linux.

239 00:39:29.350 --> 00:39:35.010 maor malka: We also have that rolls us to the second problem, which is the customer vendor problem

240 00:39:35.120 --> 00:39:41.310 maor malka: as long as the customers don't ask. I want to do this project on your microcontroller in rust.

241 00:39:41.710 --> 00:40:03.109 maor malka: All the support and tool chain will stay in the open source side, and I've been constantly checking a lot of vendors, for example, St. Which we used here, Mxp. Renaissance microchip, which all these companies are some of the biggest companies in the world. When it comes to microcontrollers that we can find everywhere. None of them support. Rust.

242 00:40:04.185 --> 00:40:05.080 maor malka: They

243 00:40:05.190 --> 00:40:09.490 maor malka: and some of them even tell you, why do you do this? You don't want to do this.

244 00:40:09.710 --> 00:40:26.549 maor malka: so there is quite a lot of Pushback. The only company right now that's supporting the community when it comes to rust on embedded project is expressive with the Esp. 32, which provides examples and support for the actual rust code.

245 00:40:27.790 --> 00:40:49.960 maor malka: The 3rd thing is that rust did not invent the word safe code. The idea of having a safe code has been around for quite a couple of decades and has been standardized in multiple technical standards for the automotive, medical, industrial, aerospace military world. Each one of them has their own standard.

246 00:40:50.090 --> 00:41:13.699 maor malka: I am happy to say that Ferosystem, the company that we talked about earlier have created their own version of the rust compiler called Ferrocene, and this compiler can actually comply with the standards. So if you write your rust code and use that specific compiler, you can get approval for advanced

247 00:41:14.050 --> 00:41:31.550 maor malka: safety standards that are provided in other industries. The 2 things that are currently unsupported by this compiler are the aerospace industry, so you can't send yet a missile written in rust, but maybe hopefully soon, and and military applications.

248 00:41:32.460 --> 00:41:50.490 maor malka: And the final thing is the Rtos thing. So I vaguely mentioned Rtos in the start. And when we were talking about Esp. But rtoses are quite common in the embedded world, and they're so common that they have a lot of age in them. So, for example, free Arthos, which is quite

249 00:41:50.600 --> 00:41:53.379 maor malka: used a lot, is 21 years old.

250 00:41:53.600 --> 00:42:12.220 maor malka: Fredx, which has been used quite a lot. It's been bought by Microsoft and now called Azure Rtos. It's been around for 27 years, and we also have something called Microcos, which has been used to land rockets on the moon, and it's also been around for 33 years.

251 00:42:12.500 --> 00:42:30.449 maor malka: but on on the Rtos, on the rust side we do have 2 projects which I know of at least that are pretty big and, like pretty, have a good amount of code, base and followers. The 1st one is called Embassy, which tries to implement Async rust

252 00:42:30.550 --> 00:42:50.930 maor malka: in microcontrollers with a single, again, with a single single core. Essentially it works pretty well, and it has all the supports, but obviously it. And the next one has the same issue. It's they're still very, very young. So it's kind of hard for people to trust

253 00:42:51.110 --> 00:42:53.220 maor malka: that these

254 00:42:53.420 --> 00:43:02.059 maor malka: artists are stable enough for actual hard applications. For example, we can take an extreme case and say a pacemaker.

255 00:43:02.330 --> 00:43:06.499 maor malka: which you have to make sure that everything works to the point.

256 00:43:07.010 --> 00:43:15.530 maor malka: and we also have Arctic, which is a really cool example where they use interrupts as threads.

257 00:43:15.840 --> 00:43:18.579 maor malka: and it is another concept of an Rtos.

258 00:43:18.790 --> 00:43:30.710 maor malka: But the end of the day, till we won't have enough years and experience of of using these artists, it will still be a challenge to treat them as good as the C equivalents.

259 00:43:32.070 --> 00:43:37.070 maor malka: That's it. Thank you so much, and if you have any questions, you're more than welcome to stay.

260 00:43:42.180 --> 00:43:45.740 Gabor Szabo: 1st of all, thank you. Let me just check it.

261 00:43:46.320 --> 00:43:48.720 Gabor Szabo: How did you turn on this?

262 00:43:52.470 --> 00:43:57.319 Gabor Szabo: So the spotlight? How did you turn on the spotlight.

263 00:43:57.900 --> 00:43:58.260 maor malka: Huh!

264 00:43:59.400 --> 00:44:06.039 maor malka: Right here, you right click your. I believe you right. Click your face and do spotlight for everyone.

265 00:44:08.330 --> 00:44:09.530 Gabor Szabo: And.

266 00:44:09.640 --> 00:44:10.410 maor malka: Excuse me.

267 00:44:13.910 --> 00:44:31.799 Gabor Szabo: Okay, I can't find it now. But okay, I'll find it. Okay, anyway. Thank you very much for this talk. If anyone has questions or would like to ask. Now, please go ahead now, still in the chat. Otherwise we are going to finish the video, and then you can stay around and have a chat without

268 00:44:31.940 --> 00:44:40.300 Gabor Szabo: without needing to type. But it seems that people had enough questions already, and they are saying, Thank you. So thank you too.

269 00:44:40.550 --> 00:44:46.439 Gabor Szabo: So, Mahour, thank you very much for this presentation, and hopefully the.

270 00:44:46.440 --> 00:44:47.890 maor malka: Thank you for having me.

271 00:44:48.280 --> 00:45:09.170 Gabor Szabo: Hopefully, the video will be I. It's a pleasure, really. We already had a couple of these presentations and others, and really, really like it, and I hope that you'll give us more, more presentations like this and even more detailed ones. And anyone actually watching and listening you would be welcome to offer your presentation.

272 00:45:09.340 --> 00:45:21.950 Gabor Szabo: Talk to me and those who, watching the video. Thank you and please like the video and follow the channel and see you next time. Bye-bye.


Gabor Szabo (szabgab)

Gabor Szabo, the author of the Rust Maven web site maintains several Open source projects in Rust and while he still feels he has tons of new things to learn about Rust he already offers training courses in Rust and still teaches Python, Perl, git, GitHub, GitLab, CI, and testing.

Gabor Szabo