name = "regex-replace-text-by-text"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
regex = "1.10.3"
Full code
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
fn main() {
// replace every sequnce of letters by x (but not the digits)
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"[A-Za-z]+").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, "x");
println!("{result}"); // x123x
// replace every 3 characters by a y
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"...").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, "y");
println!("{result}"); // yyy
// Swap every two charcters
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"(.)(.)").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, r#"$2$1"#);
println!("{result}"); // ba1c32edf
// duplicate every digit
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"(\d)").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, r#"$1$1"#);
println!("{result}"); // abc112233def
// double every digit
// Replace using a function to generated the replacement
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"(\d)").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, double);
println!("{result}"); // abc246def
// double every digit
// The same inlined
let text = String::from("abc123def");
let re = Regex::new(r"(\d)").unwrap();
let result = re.replace_all(&text, |caps: &Captures| {
format!("{}", 2 * caps[1].parse::<u8>().unwrap())
println!("{result}"); // abc246def
fn double(caps: &Captures) -> String {
//format!("{}", 2 * caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<u8>().unwrap())
format!("{}", 2 * caps[1].parse::<u8>().unwrap())